Old Home Month

Mind blown. We got to spend time (and meals!—Bonnie made a superb white bean chicken chili with a spicy satisfying bite to it) with Bonnie and Joe, whom neither of us had seen in years. We saw their new house, which is beautiful and has a nice feel to it. Yesterday we stayed with my niece, Meg, and her fiance David in Charlotte, NC. We got to see their new (to us) house, got to try out their hot tub,

and went to a delicious restaurant downtown. We got home just in time to see Freddie freeman’s Grand Slam.

Then today, because of Barbara’s tragic passing yesterday, we are visiting with her children, many of whom I haven’t seen since I was around 20 years old. They were our next door neighbors since I was born, until I was about 9 years old, but I would see one or the other of them from time to time until I was in college and we all dispersed about the country. It really is like seeing lost family members. I will write more about this, but frankly want to talk about lighter matters because I am tired.

This morning Meg and I went to the AutoBarn in Concord, NC. I had seen some of the scooters they offer on eBay, and I wanted to see them in person.

I’m like a kid in a candy store in these places. I want them all! For a bonus, when we arrived at the location, there was a ‘Trunk or Treat’ show in the parking lot, with lots of restored cars lined up, with bowls of candy on offer, and little kids dressed up for Halloween collecting the candy while their parents ogled the cars and chatted with each other. Pretty fun!

And for those of you that were fans of ‘House of Cards’, there really is a ‘Peachoid’ in Gaffney, South Carolina. I thought it was a made up thing. It’s hideous!

And here’s a neighbor of Meg’s who really needs an exterminator of some kind!

and more Halloween…

pretty creepy!

Tomorrow we will go to feed the giraffes at the Atlanta zoo. In the afternoon there will be a celebration of Barbara, with more friends, and music, and food, and stories. All the best, everybody!


4 responses to “Old Home Month”

  1. those scooters! 😍Did you try one out?! could see you taking it to Sammie’s down Northwest Road if it could make the hills but the question is which color
    curious on the back story of the 🍑oid I assume they’re a peach capital ?!, and there’s super yummy peach cobbler there abouts

    • Sadly i did not try any scooters out. They would look good in east Hampton, tho! Yes, there is a lot of peach stuff on offer in the part of the country. There was an episode in ‘House of Cards’ where the main character had to deal with a death caused by the sexual look of the paechoid. I really thought it was a made up thing,

  2. Great to have a hot tub soak. You both are busy women.
    Not sure (about that blue car), if it is your style Chris, the scooters though I see you on one!!!

    • Hi Elaine, The soak was magical. No, that blue car is to swoopy for me, but i appreciate the craftsmanship. You just might see me on one of those scooters one day!