The Taos Earth Ship

I didn’t know what an earth ship was either. Now I do. It’s fantastic building made whatever way you want to but with materials that won’t harm the earth.

Sounds boring. No. Even though solar panels are used, south facing passive solar windows collect heat from the sun and distribute it through the house. A highly efficient system that uses and reuses resources. Off the grid. This place we are staying is stunning in its beauty and clever design. Words fail. Photos will follow. Love it. Windows everywhere.

BUT. The architect of this place was just too clever in the garden/toilet/shower area.

Gorgeous. But I don’t appreciate the three tall steps to the toilet area and separately to the shower area. A disaster waiting to happen. Chris made some erzats steps between the high stone steps. I will use my cane to help maneuver them. Yikes. I’ll let you know how I survive.

But getting to Taos from Durango was so beautiful. Overused word, but true.

Not far from Durango is Chimney Rock. We stopped, even though it was closed. There are Pueblan ruins and an astro observatory up there, they say.

I remember that Rosanna said that New Mexico was the most beautiful state she’s encountered. A mix of changing mountains, grass, trees, hills, cows, sheep and horses. We came upon a cow in the middle of the road as happy as could be.

Took a while to persuade her to move.

Dinner at Lambert’s. Really good food. Will check out Taos again for a bit in the morning. Then on to Elk City, OK.
