Another beautiful day. I’m sitting at a cafe table on the verandah of our hotel in the French Quarter.

We left Francine and Connie after lunch on Saturday, and drove to Niceville, Florida. Had a late dinner, and slept. We were looking forward to gaming Father Time, by gaining an hour from the time zone change, and then by getting an extra hour of sleep from the time change. It was not to be. At 7 am a horrific hammering started above us, with the occasional dropping of something heavy that shook the building. The roofers were hard at work. Bastards! I called the front desk, but there was nothing they could do but give us a discount. We still stayed in bed til 8, trying to block the noise.
We visited Eileen and Joe at 10. They were a five minute drive away, and they are people mom has known for over 60 years. Joe and my Dad went to college together, and my family would go to visit them in Michigan when I was young. They looked a lot like I remembered, but with gray or white hair instead. Joe still tall and more serious than I remember and Eileen bubbly and light. We caught up on what their kids are doing-we are roughly the same ages, their kids and my siblings. It was a good match. I think I remember them having the first video game I saw, Atari, I’m pretty sure. I wasnt very good at it then, either. That square block careening back and forth across the screen. When we weren’t playing with that, we’d go skiing at local hills.
We were about a half hour down the road after leaving them before we realized we didn’t take any pictures of us. I do regret that! But I got pictures of some of Eileen’s art, which I am glad of.

Then we headed West on I10, towards New Orleans. The clouds put on a show the whole way, sometimes releasing rain, sometimes just threatening.

The rest stops in the area have a windshield washing station, for all the bugs that meet with an accident on your car in this area. It will be time for another car wash soon.
Got in around 5, and had arrangements to meet Judy at her house in Luling a bit later.
2 responses to “Heading West”
Too bad about missing the photos with them. We are glad it was a good visit, very nice to meet up with friends and reminisce.
Are those current works of art that Eileen did?
Thanks, Aunt Jean! No, those are works she did a while ago, but she is still making paintings.